Recently, two of my coworkers quit to move on to new things. Nina had been working with us for 2 years I believe, and was one of our most consistently cheerful and hardworking employees; and Mukta, who worked for us for maybe a year, was also one of the most contagiously cheerful people I've ever met and made a huge impact on all of us. We were all pretty bummed they were leaving, so I wanted to do something special.
I wanted to create a really personal, interactive card, and I came up with an idea to make a sort of scrapbook/portfolio-like layout using envelopes (In fact I made something similar for Mukta's birthday card). I decided that I'd make a small envelope or pouch for each of my coworkers, then have them all write personal notes to slip inside.
Before I started anything, I dug through my paper collection, and made a "Nina" pile and a "Mukta" pile, picking out patterns and colors that seemed to suit each of the girls' personal tastes.
The cards needed to be pretty large to fit all the envelopes (plus huge cards are fun), so I cut up some cereal boxes for the covers and painted the outside with acrylics.
The girls seemed to love the cards, and it was fun to watch them read through the notes tucked inside. I consider both of them to be good friends, so it was nice to be able to give something more personal than a store-bought card sprawled with signatures.
I know I'll still be seeing Nina and Mukta around, but I'm still going to miss them!