Sunday, December 25, 2011

More wrapping

I had to post some pictures of Justine's gifts, because she wrapped them so cute! She made the little red pompoms out of yarn.
(If you order things online, they sometimes come with brown paper to stuff the box with; it's kinda fun to recycle that paper and use it to wrap the actual gift in! Justine & I used a lot of that paper.)

Look at this cute tag she made with twigs!

She also spelled out names in yarn. I love it!

On another note-
I guess this is the time of year where everyone reflects. I was just going back, looking at old entries, and I can see how much I've changed over the life span of this blog.
I'm glad I've documented lots of things I've made, since most of them are gifts for people. It was also kinda fun listening to old demos I'd posted of songs that are now developed, recorded, and finally about to be released in January!

It feels good to sort of remind myself what I'm capable of. When you think about it, it's a great thing that we are granted the imagination to see things in our head and materialize them. It's amazing! We can start with nothing and make something. I hate to hear people say that they're not creative. Everyone is capable of creating, and everyone does it in their own way. Take a minute to think about things that you made happen this year (big or small) and be proud of yourself! Also, be excited for all things you can make happen next year. Dream big. All you need is an idea in your head and belief in yourself.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

DIY wrapping paper

I've never been too good at fancy wrapping around the holidays, but this year I felt like putting in a little effort. I made my own wrapping paper using stamps, acrylic paint, and a roll of paper.

I topped them off with colorful embroidery thread and cardboard tags.
The extra paper worked out well for other gift tags too.
This was fun, but I'd only recommend it for small boxes, as it takes a lot of time! It would've been easier if I had bigger stamps, so I think I'll make my own stamps next year!

Monday, December 12, 2011