Sunday, July 18, 2010

mini recycled notebooks

I had a big stack of expired sale flyers from the store so I decided to make some little notebooks out of them. They're about 4 x 3" big.

Covers are made from different things.
Here, an Urban Outfitters bag with a fabric scrap under the bag handle and the cover of an old notebook:
An envelope and a page from a children's book:

Sheet music, Urban Outfitters bag, and a doilie:

Some are closed with a ribbon or string that winds around the button and others have a little leather strip.
Page from an old phonebook and an old postcard:

More shopping bags, and a piece of an encyclopedia page:

Encyclopedia page, shopping bag & handle, page from a book, old stamps:

Page from an old school workbook and shopping bag:

I'm going to give a bunch away and sell some for $1 at the wickerbasket pop-up shop at the end of this month, along with some clothes and other crafts!

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