Monday, September 13, 2010

Something Stupid

I haven't been making anything too exciting lately. I've been busy with band business, but I still try to keep that fun.

Here are our new business cards! I'm excited to hand them out.

Oh, and our newest music video is finally complete!

The More I Think of You from Summer Twins on Vimeo.

I've been writing a lot lately and I'm really excited to work these 2 new songs into our set.
You can listen to the rough versions I recorded on garageband:

I always have several songs in the works, but this one is one of the newest. It kind of came out of nowhere..
Worryhead by citybirdd

This one is a duet and I'm going to make Marcio sing it with me. It's inspired by a mixture between "Something Stupid" sang by Frank and Nancy Sinatra ( listen!)and "Bros" by Panda Bear.

I know that by citybirdd

Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think.

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