Tuesday, April 27, 2010

zine dream

So Coachella was a blast! All the craft workshops were really fun. Since we were running ours, I didn't really have time to check out many others, but I did have time to check out Zineworks!

This was actually my first time making a zine and they had a ton of cool magazines and old textbooks, so it was really fun.
I kind of just picked out all the things I liked then developed a theme from there. It turned out to be my "guide to life" sort of thing.

Click 'em to enlarge 'em

Zineworks has a great resource handbook that tells you everything from what a zine is, where to begin, some different formats you can make, and how to distribute your zine. You can download it here:

I also have some extra copies of mine, so if you want one, let me know.

I want to make some more! Let's have a zine night!

1 comment:

Ivan Aguirre said...

I want One!! Love this post. love the messages Inside of it. especially "Rock out In you dress"
